Donation Form

ABN: 47 588 370 196 Incorporation number: A0020304Z

I wish to make a gift to the ANHCA Public Fund. The fund is currently only able to accept donations of $20 and over.
Details of Donor*
I would like my gift to be directed for the following purposes (Complete one option below):*
(Minimum donation is $20)

Direct Deposit Details:

Bank: Bank Australia
Account name: ANHCA Public Fund

BSB: 313 - 140
Account number: 12281228
Please quote ref: Your family or business name

The listing of the Australian Neighbourhood Houses & Centres Association (ANHCA) Inc. as Item 1 DGR in Division 30, section 30-45 of the Income Tax Assessment Act 1997 ensures donations of $2 or more to the ANHCA Public Fund are tax deductible. Donors must contribute unconditionally to the ANHCA Public Fund to claim a tax deduction; however, a donor may indicate an organisation or project as the preferred beneficiary of their gift.

Using your mouse or your touchpad, you can drag your cursor along the signature line to create a unique electronic signature

The receipt for your deposit will be forwarded to your email address

Thank you for your donation.

We encourage you to contact your local Neighbourhood House or Centre to find out more about their work with the local community and how you can be involved.

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